The Investor SA
Your Financial Entertainment Magazine
Mobile Network Market Share War
17 February, 2015
Werne van der Merwe
-It's a "dog eat dog" kind of industry-
In South-Africa's Mobile Networking Operators battle, Vodacom has certainly taken the crown, leaving Cell C and MTN to battle it out for the wooden spoon. Vodacom leads the way with over 30 million subscribers, following with MTN obtaining over 25 Million , leaving Cell C with some catching up to do with 15 million subscribers.
These certainly are tough economic conditions, and an even tougher Telecoms market. Some even referring to it as a "dog eat dog environment", meaning growth for one company spells a loss for another. In the six months leading to December, Vodacom increased its prepaid customer base by an astounding 927 thousand members in South Africa. This brought the group's revenue growth of 7.5 % to R36.6 billion.
In the six months leading up to September, Vodacom's , doing
reasonable well with prepaid customers, contract customer base's
growth remained flat. The group is currently in the process of
accelerating network investing to cope with the continued growth
of data usage and traffic. This is to be a smart move from
Vodacom, considering that the average data usage per smart
phone in South- Africa increased to 79% , Vodacom claimed that
the group's data traffic exceeds more than 80%.
Vodacom was proud to announce that the group's contract
customer base grew by 2.2 % to 48 - million, even though the
customer revenue was flat at R 10639 million year on year. This
of course, is as a result of Vodacom's data prevalence contract
customer ARPU ( Average Revenue Per User ) decreasing by
3.2% to R393 per month.Vodacom has succeeded to, in their six
month period, increase their active customer base by 9.7% to
53.8-million, as well as 949, 000 increased net connections in
South - Africa, and an increase of 2.3 - million customers in
international operations.
Cell C's CEO, Jose dos Santos, declared at the end of April 2014
that their total subscriber base was 16.6 million, after gaining
1.5 million subscribers in the last three months leading up to
April 2014. This was only half of what they reported in the quarter of April. Should they have
reached the reported figures, they would have gained 5% market share and would have reached
their market share target of 20% Well ahead of Telkom Mobile, the newest edition to the already
competitive mobile networking operator's market in South Africa, has 1.8 million subscribers,
giving them 2.5% of the total market share.
The biggest shift has been in MTN SA, which has lost a total market share of up to 5% to their
rivals Cell C. In the three months leading up to March, MTN disconnected 973 064 subscribers,
for they did not reproduce any signs of revenue growth. This eventually lead the MTN subscriber
base to fall to 24.9 million. The JSE - listed Blue Label Telecoms reported that the country's 2
smaller mobile network operators, Cell C and Telkom, were both winning market shares from
MTN. From December 2013 up until May 2014, a period of six months, MTN's market share
dropped down by 3% from 32% to 29%. A constant performance from Vodacom saw them
remaining stable at 50%, while Cell C just kept on increasing their market share from 8% to 17%,
and how they are currently sitting on 18%, while Telkom has shown massive growth
improvement after growing by a 100% from 1% to 2%. So to come to conclusion, MTN has
been falling backwards, Vodacom has remained stable While Cell C have been winning over
market shares from the "top dogs".